Exhibitions Past Present and Future


Light and Shadow,

The Shop, XVIII Jesus Lane, Cambridge

14th December - 22nd December 2011


Collage and Digital collage, MDF, Time Based Media and the Financial Times

Changing Spaces, 48 Regent Street, Cambridge

31st July - 20th August 2010

There’s No Money (Day in the Life) Diptych

Collage, acrylic & spray paint on canvas

Statement: This piece appropriates from daily newsreel and questions both standard journalistic and advertising design templates, and the unexamined messages that enter our minds subliminally every time we expose ourselves to this material.  Thus the material itself is reordered (using templates suggested by the underpainting) to make not merely alternative messages, but also alternative aesthetic forms.   By reducing perceived order to chaos the possibility of creating new forms arises, and this happens not in the work, but in the minds of those who witness it.

From Painting to Sculpture: INSIDE-OUT

The Shop,  XVIII Jesus Lane, Cambridge

(with students of Camberwell College of Art, curated by Anji Jackson-Main)

7th - 15th August 2010

Cellular Events / Beam Me Up

Wood, steel & acrylic

Use as you see fit: these pieces amount to a do-it-yourself kit that can be arranged in any pattern that appeals.  Each piece, or cell, is an environment in itself, but also “connects” or interacts with every other piece.  Referencing a range of natural reticular forms – cells, beehives, crystals, molecular structures – Cellular Events evokes and celebrates an innate desire to fit things together and make patterns and environments to explore and contemplate.